Flagstaff Family Y.M.C.A.
Flagstaff, AZ
20.000 sq. ft.
Multi-purpose Recreational Facility
This project was awarded “Honorable Mention” in the Architectural Design category by Southwest Contractor magazine in their Best of 2010 competition.
Smith Architects, inc. worked with the YMCA since 2000 to assist them in the development of the YMCA facility in the city of Flagstaff. After multiple design studies on multiple sites throughout the city, the new facility opened its doors in April 2010. This 20,000 s.f. facility is situated on a site that is heavily forested, significantly sloped and contains substantial amounts of basalt bedrock. This facility consists of a Member Child Care Center, a Public Day Care Center, a Multi-Purpose Gymnasium, a Climbing Wall, Aerobics and Spinning Studios, a Wellness/Fitness Area, a Technology Learning Center, and Locker Rooms. Through an extremely successful collaborative effort with the YMCA and the General Contractor we were able to develop a building design that works efficiently with the site, met all of the program, budget and schedule requirements, and provided the community with a facility that everyone can be proud of.

Photographs by: John Burcham Photography